Our Values

We believe a culture based on global ethical values and see that culture as essential in our continued success in the rapidly developing automation industry. Human-Oriented approach that we defined as a combination of our values, creates a synergy and the invisible ties among our team, our service suppliers and our customers. And then, our shared philosopy is developing, deepening and showing us the way in building our common future.

Customer Orientation

We detect the current and future needs of our customers, meet their demands and make an effort to exceed their expectations.

Perfectionist Approach

Achieving excellence requires being the best. Innovation underlies at the basis of being best. Therefore, we constantly renew ourselves to make better in thought, in project planning and in implementations on behalf of our customers.

Open to Change

We create our own style with our unique designs and the robots by combining with individual demands of our customers and new demands of the packaging market in a changing dynamism. So we are always open to change.

Proactive Approach

We aim to operate in maximum efficiency and profitability of all our robots in the period of service to ensure smooth production cycle. So we are in proactive approach at every step of our robots from the design to production, installation and maintanence.


We give importance to harmony between our inputs (our promises and projects) and our outputs (our robots) and we always bear responsibility about accountability to our customers.

Integrity and Honesty

Integrity and honesty are our guide. We are kept honesty, lawfulness and transparency in the forefront in all our personal and business relationships. And we always and absolutely stand behind our work.

Team Spirit

We help each other to achieve success as a team. And we enjoy what we do.


To achieve the best requires being an expert. We select people carefully in our team and encourage them to always be better.


There is a mutual trust on the basis of being sustainability of the long-term relationships. Our first priority in our business relationships is built on trust; consisting in an environment of the trust and developing in collaboration with our customers will be an effective motivation in sustaining of our joint success.

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+90 544 657 6268 +90 212 616 6116 info@imlrobot.com
For international sales inquiries please call: +90 536 933 3826 Anwar David Daoud